Pyro Solver – Houdini 20(Update)
Rendering in Karma XPU – Houdini 20(Update)
Compositing in After Effects
RBD Cone Twist Constraint – Houdini 20(Update)
RBD Car Rig – Houdini 20(Update)
RBD Car Rig HDA – Houdini 20(Update)
We will start from the basics and once we got the fundamentals coverd we will be moving on to create some fun and practical projects. We will start from the houdini SOPs land and once we got the confident working with SOPs then we will jump into DOPs houdini dynamic operators land understand the basics of houdini dynamics and create more complex FX projects.
This is a comprehensive Course teaching you how to create stunning VFX Shots using Houdini
Here some of the techniques you will Learn:
Introduction to Houdini 18.5
Workflow And Tools.
Powerful techniques for grouping geometry
Implementation of Circumference for accurate wheel rotation
The new Chain SOP in Houdini 18.5
Procedurally Generating Tank Treads
The New Scatter and Align SOP in Houdini 18.5
Creating Smoke Simulation Network
Using Microsolvers
The New Pyro Burst Source SOP in Houdini 18.5
The New Pyropyro bake volume SOP in Houdini 18.5
The New Pyro Sop Solver in Houdini 18.5
Setting up ACES in Houdini
Using Smoke Simulation to Advect Particles
Rendering Millions of Particles
Particles Disintegration Simulation
Use Pop Grains for Sand and Snow Simulations
Setting up Attractionweight Attribute to creat Wet Sand
We’ll cover voronoi and boolean fracturing,RBD Material Fracture
Working with Packed Primitives
Setting up Constraints
Understanding Soft Constraints
Setting up Vellum Solver From Scracth
Tearing Cloth
Using curves to define Tearing
Vellum Soft Body
Using Tetrahedron to create Soft Body Simulation
Using Vellum to create Chains and Rop Simulation
Working With Flip Solver
Understanding Viscosity and Creative ways of using Viscosity
Using Flip Simulation to melt objects
Efficient ways of Writing Flip Caches to disk
Generating Mesh From Flip Simulation Particles
Setting up Materials, Lighting, and Rendering Flip Simulation
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone want to learn Houdini and create amazing VFX.
FX Artist
Anyone interested in learning more Advanced Houdini techniques
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