Learn how to make maps,  basic scripting, analyze data, and everything else essential to know about ArcGIS Desktop

Become an expert with ESRI’s GIS software: ArcGIS Desktop

Learn how to make maps, basic scripting, analyze data, and everything else essential to know about ArcGIS Desktop
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54 Avis
596  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionThe student will learn how to confidently use ESRI’s GIS software known as ArcGIS Desktop which includes Arcmap and ArcCatalog. No prior knowledge is needed. This course will start from the beginning and get into more involved tasks the further along it goes. Important topics we will cover include creating map layers, setting projections, creating mapbooks, creating maps, introducing the scripting method known as modelbuilder/python, using Visual Basic script to make changes to the data, using sql to run queries on the data, using other formats inside and outside of ArcGIS Desktop (jpegs, spreadsheets, google earth kmz files), symbolizing the data, and exporting the layers/maps we will create. Note: This software not open source, you first must install it. The minimum cost $100.00 is US Dollars.À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Anyone interested. Students to professionals.Afficher plusAfficher moins

Learn how to make maps,  basic scripting, analyze data, and everything else essential to know about ArcGIS Desktop

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