Expert advice on making 3D models, textures, animations & levels using industry standard software

Become an Expert 3D Games Developer/Artist/Animator

Expert advice on making 3D models, textures, animations & levels using industry standard software
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350  Sessions

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DescriptionHi, my name is Jayesh Ranavaya and I have over 5 years of teaching experience in the Games Development field. I take great pride in what I do and strive to make tutorials easy and accessible to everyone. I pride myself on creating some of the most in-depth 3D based tutorials on the web. Don’t take my word for it, check them out for yourself! I will guide you, whether you are a complete novice or of intermediate ability, to being an expert in your chosen field. I will encourage and push you to create the best possible work you can using techniques used widely across the games industry. I have many contacts within the games industry and will continuously endeavour to provide the most up-to-date and industry standard skills and techniques.Afficher plusAfficher moins

Expert advice on making 3D models, textures, animations & levels using industry standard software

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