Learn Motion Graphic From Fundamentals up to Advance Level ,15 Section , Weekly Tutorials , Project file and much more.

Become a Motion Graphic Artist : The Complete Course

Learn Motion Graphic From Fundamentals up to Advance Level ,15 Section , Weekly Tutorials , Project file and much more.
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386  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Updated – 4/17/2017 – 2 New Section were added – 1.5 Hours of New Contents -After Effect Toolbox 

Updated – 3/28/2017 – 02- Fancy Strokes Transition in After Effect Tutorial Added into Tutorial Section Check it out !

Updated  –  3/5/2017 – New Tutorial Added to the weekly tutorial section check it out !

Do you have plan to learn Motion graphic but don’t know where and how to start ?

Do You want a course that contain all the things about Motion Graphic from 0 – 100 ?

Yeah , This is the right place after analyzing different sites and courses i did not found any course that contain all topics of Motion Graphic so then i have decided to create a course bundle that contain all the topics that most of you need to know about Motion Graphic. Its not important if you do not even know a single topic of Motion Graphic or you didn’t ever hear the name of After Effect i will guide through all the process and stuffs that makes you a professional Motion Graphic artist .

1- What do I need to Start Learning Motion Graphic ? Nothing just a self confidence and patient makes you a professional motion graphic artist . 

2- How Long It Take to Be Professional Motion Graphic Artist ? 

Actually it depend on you , how much hour in a day you spent your time in learning but it takes a little bit of  time to be a professional but do not  worry i will guide on how to boost up your skills from time to time . 

3- How Much Salary I Should Expect as a Motion Graphic artist ? 

Its depend on how you work it means if you doing freelance jobs you will earn more than working for a TV or production company but the normal range of Motion Graphic Salary is $50036 annually in United State and €56,710 in Germany according to Glass Door job portal .

4- What Will I Learn After Finishing The Course ? 

This course has 16Section , 120 Lecture and 10 Hours of Video Lessons .

Course Sections :

How to Become Motion Graphic Artist 
Motion Graphic with After Effect From Scratch 
2D Environment and Car Rigging in AE
Puppet Tools in After Effect
GIF Exporting from After Effect
Shape and Text Morphing 
Face Morphing 
Complete guide to UI / UX Motion Mockup in After Effect 
Master In Motion Graphic Elements 
Famous Platforms for Selling Motion Graphic Projects 
Getting Started with After Effect Expressions 
After Effect Toolbox Part 1
After Effect Toolbox Part 2 
Motion Graphic Tutorials (Update every 2 week)

5- Is The Project files for  this course is  Available ?

Yeah , The project file and course materials are available for download . 

6- Are the Course contents and sections get update or not ? 

Yeah , All the lessons will update over the time and new sections  will be add to different sections 

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Everyone who want to be a motion graphic artist .
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Learn Motion Graphic From Fundamentals up to Advance Level ,15 Section , Weekly Tutorials , Project file and much more.

19,99 €
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