Start and Market your Online Spiritual Business - learn how to motivate, inspire and transform your tribe

Become a Master Influencer with Spirituality

Start and Market your Online Spiritual Business – learn how to motivate, inspire and transform your tribe
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



What makes Spiritual Healing a Game Changer in Social Media Marketing?

While the Masters of Online Marketing have the knowledge and tools to produce logical results online, they are missing the essence of personal connection. This course compliments and Integrates the Business of Selling Transformation. Most humans in this world are looking to escape a situation in one area of their lives. As a Spiritual Healer, not only do we have the tools, but we have the heart and empathy to truthfully want to change lives. We want to experience the power of impact that we can have on a person’s life. Some call it fulfilling an Ancestral Calling. Others would say, its about walking in destiny. And, I would say that it is a human need to want to connect and contribute to the betterment of a person and the people in this world.

Are you ready to Turn your Spiritual Practice into an Online Business?

From the comfort of your home, with a computer and internet, you can begin to build an online Spiritual Healing business TODAY! 

I am Kareen Williams, I am an Astrologer and began practicing my craft on friends and colleagues. Within four years, I had established loyal clients and was invited to speak on an Astrology panel on my local TV station. I went from an idea to a manifestation. There were many things I did well on my journey, but several things I did not. This course is a methodology that incorporates my WINS and Lessons learned on my journey in Online Marketing. I want to provide for you the convenience of avoiding Entrepreneurship pitfalls. I want to share with you the very formula that supported me to be an Authority in my niche and continues to do so.

In this course you will learn how to:

– use your personal facebook page to grow your business

– convert likes on your facebook business page

– create content in bulk work cycles

– engage online and influence a following

– create a blog/website and collect emails

– find popular topics and keywords in your niche

– stand out in your niche

– define your style and « swag »

– use my four rules to engage followers who want to pay

– gain confidence in pitching sales

I hope you will join me TODAY on this journey. How powerful you are is in recognizing that the only moment you have is now, if you want to realize your vision in the near future.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Wellness Coaches
Life Coaches
Yoga Instructors
Tarot Readers
Sound Healers
Reiki Instructors
Color Therapist
Numerology Practitioner
Shamans / Shamanism
EFT / TFT Practitioner
African Spirituality
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Start and Market your Online Spiritual Business - learn how to motivate, inspire and transform your tribe

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