Fire Safety Design Secret Calculations ( NFPA & BSI Code ) for MEP Engineers, Civil engineers & University Students

Become A Fire Protection Design Engineer – Basic to Advanced

Fire Safety Design Secret Calculations ( NFPA & BSI Code ) for MEP Engineers, Civil engineers & University Students
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221 Avis
845  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionMEP engineering sector is growing very fast in the world. High-rise building are every where. Fire protection system must be designed very accurately for these building , this course for all MEP engineers, Students and any people who are interested in fire safety.This course will teach you about fire protection design procedures and how to do calculations. and you can find example calculation sheet from material section.Also this course will help you for your interviews. À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?MEP enigneersMechanical & Civil Engineering studentsPeople who interested in fire protection systemsAfficher plusAfficher moins

Fire Safety Design Secret Calculations ( NFPA & BSI Code ) for MEP Engineers, Civil engineers & University Students

19,99 €
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