Learn CSS by Building 30 Projects in 30 Days

Become a CSS Master: Code 30 Projects in 30 Days

Learn CSS by Building 30 Projects in 30 Days
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86 Avis
2 561  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



What is the best way to learn a new skill (or improve a current one)?

a) Read a lot of books

b) Think about it a lot

c) Jump in and do it.

If you guessed « Jump in and do it », you’d be correct!

While spending time understanding theory is important for learning a skill; getting your hands dirty, practicing, and immersing yourself in the thing you’re learning will yield much better results.

Want to learn a new language? Speak it.

Want to learn how to play a game? Play it.

Want to learn a sport? Practice it.

Want to learn to be funny? Tell jokes. (I can tell you from experience that, by using this method, my success rate has improved my humour! Now I only bomb a joke 8 times out of 10…)

Want to learn how to code? Start building things. A lot of things.

Here’s the catch…

If you have no direction, no roadmap, no end-goal in mind, and nobody to hold you accountable, the best case scenario is you’ll incrementally improve your ability, and worst case scenario is you’ll fail.

Which is why I created this course, CSS in 30 Days!

Each day for the next 30 days, you and I will learn CSS by building a new project in plain, vanilla CSS without the use of templates, frameworks or plugins.

By the end of the 30 days, you’ll have a strong grasp on CSS, and more importantly, the knowledge, ability and confidence to start using CSS in your own projects.

Who is CSS3 in 30 Days for?

Web Designers & Web Developers who are just starting out, or have Intermediate Level experience with CSS and want to have a strong grasp on CSS3 without relying on Frameworks, Code Snippets, Templates or Plugins.

Let’s get started!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
New web developers
New web designers
Experiences designers & developers who want a refresher on CSS
Anyone who wants to learn how to manipulate webpage styles with CSS
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Learn CSS by Building 30 Projects in 30 Days

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