Optimization problems definition and solution . Optimal design in different engineering systems.

Basics of Optimization in Engineering

Optimization problems definition and solution . Optimal design in different engineering systems.
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2 Avis
1 000  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



This course aims to teach Engineering students and professionals how to use optimization in design, planning and operation of different engineering systems. The course starts with the reasons to use optimization to how to solve optimization problem followed by how to deal with multi-objective optimization. Optimization is a widely used technique in Operational Research that has been employed in a range of applications. The aim is to maximize or minimize a function (e.g. maximizing profit or minimizing environmental impact) subject to a set of constraints. The action of making the best or most effective use of a situation or resource. The result of optimization process is an optimal solution not optimum one. Everyday you do an optimization in your daily life. It could be a process to reach maximum or minimum of something like minimum cost or error maximum profit or reserve. However, in many situations, decision makers find themselves wanting to optimize several different objective functions at the same time. This leads to Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO). It is easy to see that if the multiple objectives do not coincide, this problem becomes considerably more difficult.

The course is very useful for:

±Communications system engineering

±Computer systems engineering

±Computer science and systems engineering

±Control systems engineering

±Earth systems engineering and management

±Electronic systems engineering.

±Enterprise systems engineering

±Environmental systems engineering.

±Petroleum systems engineering

±Power systems engineering.

±Process systems engineering

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Engineering students and professionals from all disciplines
Science students
Computer science students
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Optimization problems definition and solution . Optimal design in different engineering systems.

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