A step-by-step strategy for understanding Architecture Course

Architecture for Beginners

A step-by-step strategy for understanding Architecture Course
Notes de 3,3 sur 5
9 Avis
577  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Architecture: The art or practice of designing and constructing buildings.

This course will provide you with an overview of Architecture Course. The course is designed for those who are new to Architecture Course. If you’re considering a career in architecture, this course can help you decide. The content provides positive learning, and the course lectures, notes, and videos will assist you in a better understanding of Architecture Course. It establishes a foundation for all future architecture related studies.

The course will provide the following learning outcomes:

· Understanding the basics of architecture design

· The role of architects in building design industry

· Key framework for choosing architecture as a career

· A recent trends in Architecture Design

· Key developments, innovations and debates in Architecture

This course modules will each focus on a different aspect of architecture and design. Each module that follows will be a self-contained graphical presentation of a group of ideas and visuals.

Raúl Monterroso

This Mexican architect and Doctor of Architectural Design defines architecture as a discipline that allows us to transform reality according to the needs of society, within a determined environment with the available resources.

Carlos Scarpa

Scarpa, one of the most representative authors of the 20th century, was an intellectual, artist, architect and designer who defined architecture as: « Architecture is a language that is very difficult to understand. It is mysterious unlike other arts such as music, which is more directly understandable … The value of a work is its expression. When something is well expressed, its value becomes very high.  »

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Aspiring Architecture Students, first year architecture students.
Architecture beginners
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A step-by-step strategy for understanding Architecture Course

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