Learn how to setup and properly rig multiple puppets using a mouse, keyboard, mic and webcam for true motion tracking

Animating with Adobe Character Animator (2023 Edition)

Learn how to setup and properly rig multiple puppets using a mouse, keyboard, mic and webcam for true motion tracking
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109 Avis
768  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Adobe Character Animator is a unique app that can produce animated characters with ease. With a few clicks to setup, you can control a cartoon character with your mouse and keyboard. Not only that, you can use your microphone and web cam to create true motion captured characters that come to life with a wide range of assigned behaviors. You will learn how to take all this and record an animation to be shared or edited with another app.

More specifically, in this course, you will learn how to:

Properly layout a Photoshop character for easier Character Animator setup

Tag layers for lip syncing and facial behaviors

Tag and define body parts for limb movements

Add special handles such as draggers to allow interactivity with the mouse

Create triggers for hide-able layers

Create Swap Sets for multi-phase layers, such as hand poses

Auto lip sync in the application

Lip sync using external audio

Record a puppet using full motion body tracking

Create a puppet that can turn their head and body

Edit recorded actions

Work with backgrounds

Work with multiple puppets

Learn about the Stream tab for OBS performances

Edit your animation with Premiere and After Effects

Export animations through Adobe Media Encoder

By the time you’re done with this course you should be able to lay out your own PSD based characters, properly tag, fix errors and animate them using your mouse, keyboard, face, voice and body.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Beginners to animation looking to create their first project
Individuals looking for creative business advertising solutions
Streamers looking to add an animated avatar to their showcases
Animators looking for a new way to approach animation
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Learn how to setup and properly rig multiple puppets using a mouse, keyboard, mic and webcam for true motion tracking

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