Using SwiftUI and Xcode: Gain the Skills to Animate Anything You Could Imagine

Animate With SwiftUI: iOS, watchOS and visionOS

Using SwiftUI and Xcode: Gain the Skills to Animate Anything You Could Imagine
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498  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Hi, My name is Amos Gyamfi. I have been using SwiftUI to create animations and prototypes since its first release in 2019. I am so excited to teach you how to get started, and, build your next iOS, tvOS, iPadOS, and watchOS App animations using SwiftUI.

Welcome to Animate With SwiftUI: iOS, watchOS, and visionOS. This course gives you the good foundations and the basic principles of animating anything you could imagine using SwiftUI. We will first go through how things change over time so that you know for example, how things move. We will then look at creating Basic Animation as well as Spring Animation. You will learn how to make your app animations look better, delightful, and valuable using nothing but SwiftUI. So, let’s get started with Animate With SwiftUI: iOS, watchOS, and visionOS.

NOTE: As of 11/09/2022, I will keep on deleting the 2020 and 2021 animation videos from this course. The reason is that I am updating this weekly with new animations to replace the old content.

Learning Objectives

Understanding animation and motion in SwiftUI

Working with Anchor Points (Center of mass)

Understanding Basic Animation

Creating Spring Animations on iOS

When and How to Use Easings

How to make iOS App Animations look better

The basics of Animation Timing

Animating in 3D

Building Clones of Dynamic Island Animations

Accessible animations and Reduce Motion on iOS

Main Sections (updated weekly)

Creating Basic Animation

Create your first SwiftUI animation

How to create rotational animation: Yahoo Weather Sun and Wind

How to animate scale transform (x, y, and xy)

How to animate movement using offset (x and y)

How to animate movement using alignment

Create your first Apple Watch animation

How to animate Hue Rotation

Implicit and Explicit Animation

What is an Implicit Animation?

What is an Explicit Animation?

Understanding and Animating Masks

How to animate corner radius

Animating Touch ID using mask offset

Animating Visual Effects

How to animate color

How to animate gradients

Mastering Animation Timing and Pacing

What is animation timing?

What is animation pacing?

How to change an animation begin time using delay

What is a repeat count?

How to repeat an animation forever

How to adjust an animation speed

Easing: Understanding How Things Move






Using Custom Timing Curves




Special Effects

Learning Spring Animations

Understanding Spring Animation Parameters

What is stiffness?

What is Damping and Damping Fraction?

What is Mass?

What is Response

What is Initial Velocity?

Cloning Dynamic Island Animations with SwiftUI: First Class Citizen Apple Apps



Call Coming In

Message Coming In

Approving FaceID


Music: Now Playing

FaceTime Bubbling

Throw Timer into the Island

Airpods Pro Charging

Airpods Max Charging

Battery Charging

Apple Maps Directions

Cloning Dynamic Island Animations with SwiftUI: Third-party Apps

Uber Arriving

Lyft Arriving

Flighty: Airplane Landing

StepsApp: Steps Counting

Drawing and Animating Path in SwiftUI

How to bring a compound path from Sketch

How to make an animated matching ants

How to Add Animations to Standard Controls

How to animate a toggle switch

Animating in 3D

How to replicate the FaceID confirmation animation

3D parallax animation on Apple TV

Building Clones of iOS App Animations

Measuring heart rate on Apple Watch

Breathe animation on Apple Watch

Tide app’s breathe animation

StepApp’s steps counting animation

Using Transitions

Creating page-to-page transitions

Creating view-to-view transitions

How to make SwiftUI Animations Accessible and Inclusive

How to combine animating children into one element

How to tell voiceovers that an animating element is a button

How to label animating elements

How to Implement Reduce Motion For SwiftUI Animation

How to disable animations when Reduce Motion is on

How to present subtle/less excessive animations when Reduce Motion is on

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
iOS developers who want to learn app animations using SwiftUI
App designers who want to learn how to animate with SwiftUI
Anyone who wants to learn SwiftUI animations
Designers, app developers, and app engineers who do not have time to create beautiful app animations
Anyone who wants to learn native iOS animations building
Anyone who want to design and prototype animations for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS
iOS App designers and prototypers
Anyone who wants to learn SwiftUI animation best practices
Designers and developers who want to make iOS animations as part of their app building process
Designers and developers who want to learn the skills to animate the lifeless
Students who want to have mastery in SwiftUI animations
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Using SwiftUI and Xcode: Gain the Skills to Animate Anything You Could Imagine

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