AISC360-16 Steel warehouse in Tekla Structural Designer 2023.

AISC360-16 Steel warehouse in Tekla Structural Designer

AISC360-16 Steel warehouse in Tekla Structural Designer 2023.
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40  Sessions

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DescriptionHello everyone, this is a very special course for those who want to use Tekla Structural Designer 2023 based on AISC:360-16 to design an industrial steel warehouse project. this software is very easy to use and very powerful to design hot roll steel with very details calculations note like a manual report. start from the bonus for basic concept design and verification steel beam in Tekla Structural Designer 2023 vs manual calculation vs Tekla Tedds to make sure everything is working fine without any errors.We will start a project from how to add new material, how to edit and use the auto design option in Tekla Structural Designer 2023, Add gride line, two different methods to model steel portal frame, how to place purlin quickly, how to add bracing system, how to model mezzanine floor, add a roof and wall panel to assign wind load, Applied dead load, live load, wind load. Run 2nd+1st order analysis, design steel members in Tekla Structural Designer verify with Tekla Tedd, design pad footing in Tekla Structural Designer, and the final part is to design steel connection in Idea Statica. we can export drawing from Tekla Structural Designer to Autocad for Tedder drawing. I hope you enjoy this tutorial for all levels from beginner to advanced. Watch my highlight video first before you decide to join this vendor or not. This content you can’t find it anywhere else.À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?For students, structural engineer, professional engineer, AISC360-16, and for everyone need to use Tekla Structural Designer.Afficher plusAfficher moins

AISC360-16 Steel warehouse in Tekla Structural Designer 2023.

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