Create easy and simple title animations

After Effects Text Animations

Create easy and simple title animations
Notes de 4,1 sur 5
8 Avis
894  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Text animations and title introductions is one of the most important and gratifying components of design.

It’s creates a good impression, especially on your potential clients, when you actually know how to animate the titles.

It elevates the production value and makes our work much more professional.

In this course you will learn how to use the extremely powerful Adobe After Effects to create some awesome text animation effects like the ones in the promo video.

In this lecture , you’ll learn how to:

How to use the extremely powerful Adobe After Effects to create some awesome text animation effects, like the ones in the introduction video.

Learn about the easy ease & speed graph manipulation to create unique animations every time.

Create Professional Text and Title animations in After Effects.

Animate keyframes to produce modern looking dynamic motion graphic name titles.

How to use different types of effects in the ‘Effects’ panel in After Effects .

How to create pre-compositions and their benefits.

Who this course is for:

Motion Graphic Designers



Video Editor

Anyone who wants to learn and enhance their animating skills


Adobe After Effects not older than CS3(Paid/Trial)

You DO NOT need to know how to use After Effects. We’ll walk through each project step-by-step so even complete beginners can learn and apply in their future projects.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course is for anyone looking to create professional motion graphics, visual effects, and composition using Adobe After Effects.
This course is perfect for beginner students looking to learn Adobe After Effects from scratch.
This course is also great for intermediate students looking to sharpen and learn more advanced After Effects tips and tricks.
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Create easy and simple title animations

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