Structured Data Schema Markup : SEO 2020 - Structured Data SEO Training - jSon Schema Data Markup : SEO 2020  Tutorial

Advanced SEO – Structured Data Schema Markup for SEO 2020

Structured Data Schema Markup : SEO 2020 – Structured Data SEO Training – jSon Schema Data Markup : SEO 2020 Tutorial
Notes de 4,6 sur 5
25 Avis
128  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Advanced SEO For 2020 – Increase Google Traffic With Advanced SEO & Schema Markup – Real Site Case Study

Increase Organic Site Traffic – Advanced SEO Training – Google SEO 2020 – On Page SEO – Double Google Search Traffic

Many SEO courses are simply theory, which is OK, except that nobody knows how the Google search algorithm works!

The only way to confirm site attributes is by testing with real-life sites . The aim of this course is to apply each step of the optimisation process to a live site, and then show the effects over time.

This case study features one of my sites which has gradually lost rank and traffic over the past few years, mostly due to the changing requirements of the Google search algorithm.

Each video lecture shows and demonstrates how to implement various strategies to improve site visibility is Google search.

Full details are given, with tools used to implement the improvements.

Google SEO is changing fast. As a webmaster, you need to keep one step ahead of the competition to maintain your web presence and profitability.

Here’s what you will learn in the course:

Researching a Keyword Cluster for SEO directly relevant to page focus keyword

How to identify and correct Technical SEO issues

Correctly integrate LSI keywords into your content for SEO

How to create a page menu for SEO

Add Schema Markup for Blog Post, Audio, Video, Images and FAQ

How to add a ‘Useful Links’ section optimised for SEO

Increase Brand, Trust and Authority

Optimise SEO for a page’s mini-FAQ section

How to improve image SEO for Featured Snippets

Optimise Internal Linking to improve site SEO

How to combine several pages into one for an SEO traffic boost

Sign Up Now – it’s Guaranteed!

#SEO #data #markup #structured #advanced

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Webmasters who want to increase Google organic traffic with advanced SEO techniques
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Structured Data Schema Markup : SEO 2020 - Structured Data SEO Training - jSon Schema Data Markup : SEO 2020  Tutorial

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