Learn Drawing study and 3D CAD modeling process of Gas Turbine Engine - Turbine Blades using 2 Live Industrial Projects

Advanced Gas Turbine Engine Blade Design using CATIA

Learn Drawing study and 3D CAD modeling process of Gas Turbine Engine – Turbine Blades using 2 Live Industrial Projects
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28  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



The power generation in a gas turbine engine mainly depends upon the amount of air it can suck from the atmosphere and how efficiently the air flow through the engine to finally get utilised in the turbine and exhaust section.

All these depend on the 1000’s of blades that are used inside the gas turbine engine. Blades are the most critical and abused part inside the gas turbine engine which is the powerplant of an aircraft which gives it the ability to propel ahead.

The gas turbine engine’s application is limitless as it has great power to weight ratio. It is used for powering aeroplanes, helicopters, ships, trains, power plants, pumps, gas compressors, tanks etc.

And behind each successful gas turbine is a set of highly sophisticated and precise blades. Particularly Turbine blades.

Turbine blades are subjected to very high fatigue load and Temperature over 1000 deg.C during its operation inside the engine. Due to this fact they come with Firtree root, Shroud and root with labyrinth for sealing the air and internal cooling channels.

In this course; we have the right content covered which will give you ample knowledge on Turbine blades.

There are 2 Projects included in this Course:

2nd Stage Turbine Blade of an Aero Engine

4th Stage Turbine Blade of an Aero Engine

The first project contains a Firtree root and a Shroud with labyrinth.

The Second project is on a Turbine blade having Firtree root with labyrinth as root platform and Internal cooling channels for Cooling the blade during operation.

In both Projects you will experience the Turbine blade industrial drawing and the process for studying those drawings.

All the knowledge that you will get in this course is purely industrial based and this will upgrade you knowledge level to match with the Gas Turbine industry professionals.

So STOP Thinking; Take free lectures and Join Today.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Engineers, Hobbyist and anyone with a zeal to learn fundamentals of Blade Design for aerospace applications
Students and individuals looking to upgrade their Resume by including an Industrial Project
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Learn Drawing study and 3D CAD modeling process of Gas Turbine Engine - Turbine Blades using 2 Live Industrial Projects

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