Retouch, Color Adjustment, Layer, Text Style, Shadow, Blur, Advance Content Aware, Retouch

Adobe Photoshop CC For Absolute Beginner to Advanced

Retouch, Color Adjustment, Layer, Text Style, Shadow, Blur, Advance Content Aware, Retouch
Notes de 4,5 sur 5
448 Avis
55 715  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionHi There, I am Stephen Koel Soren and I am a Graphics and Web Expert. This is a crash course for Adobe Photoshop and You will learn only the essential part that is really required for design in Photoshop. If you are a beginner and looking to learn photoshop from scratch then this course will help you to learn Adobe Photoshop Professionally. For learning graphics design and photoshop retouching from beginner to advanced this course can be a lighthouse for you. You can learn from this course about Photoshop Layer, Color and Adjustment, Photoshop Color Correction, Shape and Symbol, Content-Aware & Cropping, Photoshop Text Style, Gradient Stroke & Bevel, Shadow, Blending, Selection, Photoshop Masking, Blur & Filters, Transform, Warp & Distort, Clipping Mask, Retouch, Photoshop Retouching, Effect Of Visual Style, Brush, Export, Earning Money With Graphics Design Work, Advance Tool and many more.This course is especially for beginners and you do not need any previous knowledge of adobe photoshop, photography, or design. We will start right at the beginning and work our way through step by step. If you never opened Photoshop before or you have already opened Photoshop but you are looking for basic and essential use of photoshop you just have to follow me and together we will learn how to make beautiful images using Photoshop.À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?beginners who wants to learn photoshopAfficher plusAfficher moins

Retouch, Color Adjustment, Layer, Text Style, Shadow, Blur, Advance Content Aware, Retouch

19,99 €
Redirection avec pop-up et nouvel onglet
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Redirection double avec deux onglets

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