Learn from a published, professional designer with 22 years experience!

Adobe Illustrator CC for iPad

Learn from a published, professional designer with 22 years experience!
Notes de 4,8 sur 5
28 Avis
125  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Adobe Illustrator is the leading, industry standard vector software which is now available for iPad!

Utilising the Apple Pencil, designers are now able to take advantage of on-screen drawing which provides optimal precision much like pencil on paper!

Illustrator has been used for decades as the number one application to design logos, web graphics, illustrations, posters and packaging and still today it shines as the go-to software for many of these applications.

Whether you are a complete beginner who wishes to learn a simple, yet highly effective vector graphics app, or an established designer who wishes to design on the go with the industries leading software, this course is for you!

This course offers the perfect opportunity for beginners to learn about vector graphic design whilst taking advantage of the Apple Pencil, which, in turn, makes work a breeze! Not only is working with the Apple Pencil an intuitive way to work, it’s also very therapeutic and highly satisfying!

If you’re a user of the desktop version of Illustrator, you’ll be delighted to learn how we can easily handover files from iPad to desktop and vice versa via Cloud Documents, creating seamless and effortless workflow allowing you to work on the go and then pick up on the same project at office or home!

Included in this course are downloadable exercise files, so you can try your hand at the taught techniques as we progress. What’s more, I’m always available in the Q&A to take you by the hand giving feedback to the projects and to answer any questions you may have.

I’m always committed to updating the course too to ensure that all content is up to date reflecting present features, keeping pace with Adobes frequent updates.

Join us today and we’ll explore Illustrator for iPad to take your design skills to the next level!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone who wishes to explore Illustrator for the first time
Those who are experienced in the desktop version of Illustrator who want to have freedom and perks of the iPad version
Anyone who is a budding graphic designer
Anyone who likes to develop art with mobile graphic apps
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Learn from a published, professional designer with 22 years experience!

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