This Beginners After Effects Guide will show you how to add Movement and Effects to your own Photos or Images

Adobe After Effects CC – How to add Motion to your Photos

This Beginners After Effects Guide will show you how to add Movement and Effects to your own Photos or Images
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Add Movement and Effects Easily to your Photos Today with Adobe After Effects CC


Adobe After Effects is used by professional Animations and Visual Effects Artists worldwide. This course will teach you the best way to add movement to your images

By the end of the course, you’ll be able to confidently take any photo and apply movement and effects to make your images stand out from the crowd

In this Beginners Guide to add Motion to your Photos, I’ll be teaching this course using the built-in features from Adobe After Effects

You can follow along with the projects I give you in this course, or you can apply the principles or techniques to any of your own photos

The techniques and principles I teach you in this course will allow your social media post and images to stand out from the crowd!

What makes me qualified to teach you?

Sunny Heera has been using After Effects professionally for over a decade and has a Masters Degree in Animation and has worked with some of the top Animation Companies worldwide

What is this After Effects course all about?

In this guide to Adding Motion to your Photos in Adobe After Effects course, you’ll learn how to add Movement into your images in a step-by-step easy to follow way

This course will cover everything you need to know about adding movement into your photos, including:



Effects and Presets


Exporting and Rending

And much more!

Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I’ll see you in lesson 1!



À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone that wants to learn how to add movement to their photos
Anyone who wants to learn the basic of After Effects
Photographers, Blogger and Social Media users who want to make their images stand out
Anyone who wants to improve their skills at Motion Design
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This Beginners After Effects Guide will show you how to add Movement and Effects to your own Photos or Images

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