Practice the ultimate Adobe Analytics Expert Business Practitioner Exam AD0-E208 before the actual exam. (Mar 2023)

AD0-E208 Adobe Analytics Expert BP Exam- with explain Apr’23

Practice the ultimate Adobe Analytics Expert Business Practitioner Exam AD0-E208 before the actual exam. (Mar 2023)
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Welcome to the top quality AD0-208: Adobe Analytics Expert Business Practitioner practice tests to help you prepare for your real certification exam.

Get Adobe Analytics Expert Business Practitioner certification to take your career and salary to the next level in high demand field of Analytics in which Adobe Analytics is king.

I strongly recommend you to practice these AD0-208 practice tests to validate your learning before taking the real AD0-208: Adobe Analytics Expert Business Practitioner exam.

Our practice test is structured to facilitate efficient learning, featuring various quiz series, such as series questions, case studies, dragging and dropping, as well as multiple-choice and multi-select questions. The test has been verified by several experts in the field, and we have invested significant effort to organize it in a way that enables you to study efficiently.

By using our practice test, you can identify the areas in which you need to improve and focus your study efforts to maximize your chances of success. Gaining confidence in your knowledge and skills is a crucial aspect of succeeding on the exam and becoming a certified Adobe Expert Business’ Practitioner.

Investing in our practice test is an investment in your future. Our comprehensive and efficient study materials will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed on the exam and elevate your career in the cloud computing industry.

Every Practice Test comes with detail Explanation so you not only test your knowledge but also keep learning and improving, and the practice tests also comes with knowledge areas so you can find your strength & weakness to further plan your progress.

These practice tests are designed just like the actual exam questions, covers every topic, with a difficulty level like a real exam.

Exam Information

Exam number: AD0-E208

Exam name: Adobe Analytics Business Practitioner

Certificate level: Certified Expert

Status: Active

Available languages: English

Number of questions: 50

Formats: Multiple choice and multiple select

Duration: 120 minutes

Delivery: Online proctored (requires camera access) or test center proctored

Passing mark: 31/50

Price: $225 USD / $150 USD (India)

Exam Objectives and Scope

Section 1: Business Analysis (26%)

Given a business need/question, identify the most appropriate reporting strategy to perform an analysis

Analyze data to answer business questions and recommend new optimization hypotheses

Identify conversion funnels (as a concept to understand business analysis)

Interpret Solution Design Reference (SDR) to determine what data is available in reports

Analyze report data to summarize and draw conclusions

Investigate outliers and anomalies in reports

Section 2: Reporting and Dashboarding for Projects (30%)

Consider the advantages of using a reporting tool based on a given scenario

Compare fallout and flow visualization and appropriate variable types for reporting

Apply the process to schedule Projects and Data Warehouse

Apply the process to share Projects and Reporting and Analytics dashboards for different users and/or groups

Apply the process to set Alerts

Apply the process to lookup the dimensions/components

Apply the process to create a visualization

Given a scenario, determine the appropriate item to use

Apply the process to create, configure, and use mobile scorecards

Section 3: Segmentation and Calculated Metrics (22%)

Determine how to develop and configure segments

Apply the process to share segments with others in the organization

Compare segments

Apply segments to Projects and Components

Apply the process to generate calculated and/or segmented metrics

Section 4: General Tool Knowledge and Troubleshooting (12%)

Analyze reports and identify data quality issues

Define different types of dimensions and parameters existing in Adobe Analytics (evars, props and events)

Determine how to bring data in and out of Adobe Analytics

Identify information from marketing URLs

Section 5: Administration (10%)

Apply the process to configure the Marketing Channel reports with Marketing Channel processing rules

Apply the process to configure Classification Importer and Rule Builder

Apply the process to configure a virtual report suite based upon an existing segment

Use the Data Feed Manager Admin UI

Understanding of data governance

Additionally, you should be familiar with the following technologies and environments:

FTP client

Current Adobe Analytics Workspace features and other reporting options outside of Workspace (ex. schedule projects and schedule reports)

Debugging tools relevant to Adobe Analytics (Packet monitor such as an Adobe Debugger, browser developer tools, Charles)

Admin console (Analytics Reports Suite Admin console and Experience Cloud Admin console)

Adobe Launch fundamentals/basics

Apps, SPA, basic website understanding

Mobile services UI

Adobe Help Center

Data export options (ex. right click to export, .csv download, Data feeds, Data Warehouse extract)

Note – I keep updating the questions at regular internal to ensure the questions are as per the latest exam. The questions I provide here are as per the real exam, and only important scenario based question that can come in the actual exam and there is no question which is just picked randomly while having no relevance or possibility in actual exam.

Important: the first two times you take this test are the best assessment of how you will do. Just because you achieve 100% after taking the test 4 times does NOT mean you will pass.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Adobe Analytics Consultant
Adobe Architect
Solution Architect
Product owners and managers
Business analysts
Digital analysts
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Practice the ultimate Adobe Analytics Expert Business Practitioner Exam AD0-E208 before the actual exam. (Mar 2023)

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