A step-by-step strategy to design a high-rise building

A guide to High-Rise Building Design

A step-by-step strategy to design a high-rise building
Notes de 3,8 sur 5
6 Avis
419  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Increasing demands for urban spaces pushed the environment to grow vertical and compact. High-rise mixed-use development offers solutions to both problems by maximizing the number of people that can live and work on a scarce, fixed amount of available land. The traditional front-lawn houses are cut away and rearranged into skyscrapers, losing their greenness and their “neighborhood”. So, the necessity of mixed- use developments integrating plants and bio-climatic design principles has come up.

This COURSE explores the design issues and goals in high-rise mixed-use development. The designing and planning of high-rise mixed-use development involve consideration of all prevailing conditions and is usually guided by the local byelaws. The various functional needs, efficiency, economy, energy conservation, aesthetics, technology, fire and life safety solution, vertical transportation, human comforts, operation and maintenance practices, provision of future growth are some of the main factors to be incorporated in the design.

This COURSE has been emphasized on integration of plants into skyscrapers and applying bioclimatic design principles which play a vital role for the energy conservation by the building as well as improving the living quality into these vertical cities. Throughout this study, we establish the necessity of planting to incorporate into skyscrapers, for the wellbeing of our economy, society and the environment.

Because of their height and their large occupant populations, high-rises require the careful provision of life-safety systems. Fire-prevention standards should be strict, and provisions for adequate means of egress in case of fire, power failure, or other accident should be provided. Although originally designed for commercial purposes, many high-rises are now planned for multiple uses. The combination of office, residential, retail, and hotel space is common. Rest of the details about the concept, structures, services and other firefighting norms, we will check out in this course. Once again welcome you all to the course on a guide to high rise building design. Thank you.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course is designed for anyone interested in High rise building design processes, young people considering careers in the field and current professionals. No previous experience is necessary.
This course helps Architecture students, architects, civil engineers and designers for their design needs.
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A step-by-step strategy to design a high-rise building

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