How to do this in 2024

A Beginners Guide to Landing Guest Spots on Podcasts

How to do this in 2024
Notes de 4,7 sur 5
2 Avis
1 010  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Be a guest on a podcast – even one podcast – can give you game-changing market visibility!  In this short course you’ll learn an easy-to-use system for identifying podcasts and successfully reaching out to hosts. 

With just a little bit of effort, you’ll be landing your first guest spot on a podcast!

You’ll learn how to position yourself as a great guest – one that hosts would love to have on their podcasts.

Then you’ll find out to identify the right podcasts to pitch.

Next, we’ll be look at how to contact podcast hosts – so you can present yourself as a potential guest. 

But that’s not all.  We’ll be looking some emails that you literally ‘copy & paste’ – and simply substitute your own details – and then send to any podcast you’d like to be a guest on.

You’ll learn how to create a system to track you podcast outreaches – and the responses you get.  And then, how to follow up with those shows that did give you a guest spot (or at least not yet!)

By the end of the course, you’ll have an easy to use system for continually be able to reach out to podcast hosts – and land guest spots on almost any podcast.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course is for people who want to speak as guests on podcasts in order to grow their authority and gain more visibility for themselves and/or their businesses.
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How to do this in 2024

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