3DsMAX course for absolute beginners

3DsMAX for beginners Quick learning

3DsMAX course for absolute beginners
Notes de 4,5 sur 5
13 Avis
87  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



This course of 3DsMAX is for absolute beginners.

It is specially designed for simplifying the learning process of this industry standard 3D modeling animation and rendering application

This course will cover the essentials of Interface, Navigation, Modeling, Lights, Maps & materials, Animation and Rendering.

After doing this course students will be able to work in 3DsMAX with confidence and can get maximum benefit from other free learning resources which are available all over the internet.

This course is offered with money back guarantee

Here is the course outline:

Section-1: Course intro

1. Course outline

2. Simple demo

3. Interface

4. Navigation

5. Primitives


Section-2: Modeling

6. Start modeling

7. Sub object level

8. Tail wings

9. Main wings

10. Front of plane

11. Some details

12. Converting to smooth surface

13. Move (w), Rotate(e), Scale(r)

14. Simple table model

15. Simple chair model

16.1 Chair with another design

16.2 Chair with another design

17. Basic truck model

18. Front of truck

19. Side windows

20. back window and back side

21. front and back bumpers

22. Tires

23. Adjusting tier

24. Converting to smooth surface

25. Lathe modeling

26. Model of cup through lathe

27. Another lathe model

28. Simple room like environment


Section-3: Lights

29. Lights location

30. Applying omni light

31. Re-positioning light

32. Activating shadows

33. Changing the color of shadow

34. Darkness of shadow

35. Map in shadow

36. Intensity of light

37. Light color

38. Light attenuation

39. Changing light type

40. Target spot and free spot lights

41. Target spot settings

42. Target direct and free direct

43. Mr Area Omni & mr Area spot

44. Skylight


Section-4: Maps and materials

45. Maps and materials defined

46. Setting Environment for maps

47. How to assign material slot

48. Changing color and glossiness

49. Assigning map

50. Bump map

51. Opacity map

52. Opacity map of tree

53. Setting lights for materials

54. Glass clear material

55. Metal & mirror materials

56. Paint gloss material

57. HD renders


Section-5: Architectural modeling elements

58. Basics of architectural modeling

59. Units setup

60. 20×10 feet simple plane

61. Simple wall

62. Wall through wall AEC extended wall

63. Simple railing

64. Railing settings 1

65. Railing settings 2

66. Foliage

67. Doors

68. Windows


Section-6: Animation basics & Rendering

69. Animation

70. Basic animation

71. Basic animation in multiple directions

72. Animation render settings

73. Render in image sequence

74. Render in AVI video format

75. Sub object level animation

76. Camera animation

77. Camera animation rendered

78. End


À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Any one who is starting to learn 3DsMAX or want to enter in 3D graphics industry
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