Learn Advanced Techniques in Blender while Building a 3d Topographical Earth Model

3D Topographical Earth in Blender

Learn Advanced Techniques in Blender while Building a 3d Topographical Earth Model
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52 Avis
230  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Welcome to my course teaching you how to create a topographical 3D model of the earth in Blender.

In this course, you will learn how to build a very complicated 3d model using advanced modelling techniques, but presented to you in a way, which is accessible for beginners.

At the end of the course, you would have learned
how to convert a minimal 4 vertices 3d object, all the way up to an object with millions of vertices, faces and textures, gradually applying modifiers along the way, until you produce a high quality 3d topological model of the earth using data provided by Nasa.

At the end of the course, these techniques will become easy for you to understand and implement for yourself,

You will also have your own 3d model, which you can use as an asset in a game or any further presentations, and you will also have the skills to reproduce and re generate your model in order to cover any other further use cases where needing a 3d topological model of the earth would apply.

Blender 2.8 is a major upgrade from Blender 2.7, and is a complete UI and Renderer re design.

So, this course would be suitable for you, if

You are already experienced with Blender 2.7 and you want to understand how some of the more familiar techniques are now done in Blender 2.8,

Or, You are a complete beginner at blender, and you want to jump right in and produce a high quality 3d model, and you want to learn sophisticated modelling techniques, but presented to you in a way which is accessible from a beginners point of view, and all done, using the latest Blender 2.8.

So once again,

Thanks for taking part if my course and I’ll see you there.


À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Blender Artists
3D Modellers
Geologists or Astronomers who like 3d Modelling
3D Game Asset Creators
Actually anybody who wants to learn Blender, and more specifically Blender 2.8
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Learn Advanced Techniques in Blender while Building a 3d Topographical Earth Model

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