Learn to Design LEGO Models Virtually

3D LEGO Digital Designing

Learn to Design LEGO Models Virtually
Notes de 4,6 sur 5
11 Avis
59  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Do you love building big models with LEGO, but do not have enough LEGO bricks? Do you have a very good idea for a LEGO model but running out of LEGO bricks? If the answer is YES then this is the right course for you. In this course, you will learn to build LEGO models virtually. So you will never run out of LEGO bricks.

In this course, you will use LEGO Digital Designer (LDD) software for learning LEGO 3D Designing. LEGO Digital Designer is a free software download that lets you build models with virtual LEGO bricks. The software was produced by the LEGO Group as a part of LEGO Design byME, a now-defunct service that people could use to order their own LEGO creations for delivery as actual models.

Learning outcomes:

You will learn how to design LEGO models in the virtual platform.

You will learn to use different tools so that you can design the LEGO models more effectively

You will be able to create your own building instructions for the LEGO models

By the end of this course, you will be able to design your own Virtual LEGO model in LDD software

Requirements for taking this course:

You just need free software « LEGO Digital Designer ».

You can Google « LEGO Digital Designer » for downloading this software

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Beginners level for learning LEGO Digital Designing
Anyone who is interested in digital modelling or love building with LEGO can join this course
Teachers who are looking for some fun learning activities online
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Learn to Design LEGO Models Virtually

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