Ideas and Tools For Sharing Your Expertise Online

31 Days of Online Marketing Ideas

Ideas and Tools For Sharing Your Expertise Online
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10 324  Sessions

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DescriptionI decided for the month of October to document some of my regular online marketing tasks as I do them. Plus it was incentive for me to get things done. The result was these short videos, since I decided to create one video tip a day. After the first two videos, they are in no particular order and you may or may not need to do all of the tasks I’ve mentioned. —————————————————————————————————————–Explains things in a way non-tech people can understand This course is really helping me, because I’m learning about all these resources and applications that I didn’t know were out there. I’m a complete newbie to internet marketing and had no idea where to start. This is totally giving me direction. I like that she explains how to use the different apps in a way that is easy to understand by someone who is not that tech-savvy. – Amy B——————————————————————————————————————-À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Those who want to share their experiences and expertise online and are not quite sure which options are available.Afficher plusAfficher moins

Ideas and Tools For Sharing Your Expertise Online

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