2D Adventure Game Creation: Art, Music, Programming and More

Learn to create a 2D « point and click » Adventure Game with hand-painted graphics, original music and voice acting!
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



In this course we will go through the process of creating your own 2-D storybook-style « Point and Click » Adventure Game, including story, game world and character design, creating your own art assets in manipulable layers, animating your character, bone-rigging your 2D character in multiple angles for quick animating of an 8-pose walk-cycle.  We will also cover practices for creating original music for your game, voice acting and recording dialogue for your characters, and finally bringing all of your original assets together and programming them into a functional scene for an adventure game (in an artist-friendly programming environment).

You can follow along using the same software titles in the course, or apply the concepts learned to your own music and art creation software choices.

The software used in the course will be…

Adobe Photoshop: for background art and character creation.

Moho Studio Pro: for character animation.

Logic Pro X: for music and voice recording/ editing.

Adventure Creator Game Toolkit for the Unity Game Engine for bringing all of the game assets together and programming your game!  (Don’t worry, you can program your entire game without needed to type out a single line of code, it is very artist friendly).

Additional Topics Covered:

Light music and art theory

Brief history of instrument sampling

Discussing effective hardware and software tools

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone interested in the process of making a high-res 2D « point and click » adventure game!
Anyone interested in 2D bone-rigging animation!
Anyone interested in using Photoshop as a drawing/ painting tool!
Anyone interested in improving the quality of their digital art making!
Anyone interested in Digital Music Recording and Composition!
Anyone interested in voice acting for video games!
Anyone interested in programming an adventure game without having to learn to code (artist-friendly programming)!
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