Categorie  Tests de convivialité

Análise Heurística em UX

DescriptionO curso vai ajudar o aluno a identificar problemas de Design, Arquitetura de Informação, Conteúdo, Tecnologia e Negócios. O método mostra a gravidade do problema de forma clara e leva a recomendar mudanças de forma bem fundamentada. Com essas informações fica…

UX Audits Using Heuristic Evaluation

Description Can you think of two apps that do the same thing, but one is harder to use than the other? This lack of easiness is a result of bad usability of products. Good news is, by making some small…

Usability Testing

Description No matter how much effort do we put in UX Research, we still make many assumptions during the ideation & prototyping. To minimize business risk, it is crucial to validate our designs. Usability testing (or simply user testing) is…