Categorie  Le podcasting

Crea tu Propio Podcast – La Guía Completa

Description ¿Quieres comenzar un podcast, verdad? Este es el curso perfecto para ti Hemos creado este curso para mostrarte todo lo que necesitas para iniciar, grabar, editar, publicar, hacer crecer y monetizar tu podcast. Así es, te enseñaremos todo el…

The Perfect Podcasting Voice

Description Imagine if you could unlock the hidden charisma in your voice. What would that do for your career, business, or job? If you want to go from sounding boring and monotone to confident and powerful, listen up. I’ve gone…

Podcasting Success Strategies: Get Podcast Sponsorships

Description Sponsorship is the support, financial and otherwise, of your Podcasts, multi-media broadcasts, and production for your marketing and promotion. Sponsors are the organizations or individuals that are willing to fund and recommend you and your information for their own…

Profitable Podcasting In The Modern world

Description Are You Ready To Profit With Podcasting? It’s About Time For You To Learn Profitable Podcasting In The Modern world! Podcasts are a lot easier to create and the space is less crowded so you can stand out much…

Podcast: A Beginners Guide to Podcasting

Description This course is for anyone looking to start a podcast today. Join over 3,000 students being taught in over 100 countries! This is a no nonsense, straight to the point crash course that will allow you to have your…

How to Grow and Monetize Your Podcast

DescriptionHow do you ACTUALLY make money podcasting? There are five ways you can monetize your podcast and in this course I explain how you can actually get paid to podcast – including how to get a podcast sponsor. Gain a…

Créer un podcast qui cartonne !

Description Durant le confinement +90000 nouvelles chaines de podcast ont été créé ! En mai 2020, Spotify a payé +100 millions de dollars à un podcasteur américain pour obtenir l’exclusivité de diffusion de ses émissions ! Ce format de contenu…