Categorie  Histoire de l'art

Gond Tribal Art Workshop

DescriptionThis workshop is for Artists, Designers and Hobbyists to learn the basics of Gond painting and enhance their creativity. We encourage participants over the age of 12 years to participate . Prior experience in drawing and painting is not necessary.Gond…

Art Appreciation, Art Movements, Art Aesthetics & Creative

Description Understanding the Art Aesthetics & Creative Sketching will enhance your profession as a “Stylist”. Any individual who wants to start their career as a fashion stylist, fashion manager, or fashion blogger should be well-versed about understanding Art Appreciation, various…

Peindre une Aquarelle Art Nouveau

Description L’Art Nouveau est un mouvement artistique de la fin du XIX e et du début du XX e siècle qui s’appuie sur l’esthétique des lignes courbes, la présence de nombreux détails, des ornementations et décors précis, une grosse inspiration…

Islamic Architecture

DescriptionThis is a course that studies Islamic Architecture. The course begins with the origins of the first examples of Islamic Architecture and traces its development across space and time. We start with the humble, but all important tent, and then study the…