Auteur  Pierluigi Giglio

Learn Figma Essentials for UI/UX Design

Description In this Figma UI UX essentials course for beginners you will learn how to use Figma from the ground up. You don’t need any prior experience with Figma as this course will cover all the basics during the first…

Get Started in UI/UX Design

Description In this getting started in UI UX for beginners course you will learn essential UI and UX design concepts from the ground up, together with Sketch App, which is one of the top design softwares out there. You don’t…

Learn How to Create a Design Portfolio

Description There’s a little secret I want to share with you: It’s quite likely that you aren’t getting the job because of your design portfolio, regardless of how visually stunning or cleverly worded it may be. That’s why recruiters aren’t…