Auteur  Pablo Stanley

UI Animation using Sketch 3, Principle App, and Flinto

Description UPDATE June 2017 – Nested Symbols! Creating a Button System with Nested Symbols Creating a Left Bar Navigation with Nested Symbols UPDATE December 27 2016 – New projects! Creating an on-boarding parallax animation using Flinto and Sketch Drawing Santa on…

Framer Crash Course – Design, Code, and Collaborate

Description UPDATES: July 18th, 2017 Creating a Floating Action Button: In this lesson, we’ll learn how to recreate a floating action button (like Material Design) on Framer. We’ll design it using the icon library and code it by switching between two…

Create hand drawn character animations using Photoshop

Description Update – Apr/8/2016: Added an extra section to learn to create illustration in Illustrator and Sketch 3. Each lecture can be watched individually to learn different skills (no need to watch them in order). Update – Oct/10/2015: Added a section…