Auteur  Management Study Guide

Retail Store Operations and Store Management

DescriptionThis course is exclusively designed and prepared for those people who are interested in setting up a retail store. After the end of this course the reader will be able to understand Various Elements of Retail Store Operations, What is…

Marketing Mix

Description Marketing mix is a blend of variables through which a firm carries out its marketing strategy. Effective marketing is based on the right balance of marketing elements and processes depending on the nature of the product, service or idea…

Marketing Skills

Description Welcome to the Complete Marketing Skills Course. Master the art of Marketing, Building Strategy, B2B Skills, Lead Generation etc. Nobody is born as a marketing person. But at the same time, anyone can master this skill after reading this…

Business to Business Marketing

Description ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MARKETING YOUR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES TO COMPANIES, GOVERNMENT BODIES, INSTITUTIONS AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS? DID YOU KNOW? Successful business marketers understand the needs of their customers and are able to translate these needs into superior value.…