Auteur  Joe Baily

Blender Materials and Texture Series – Volume two

DescriptionWelcome to volume two of the Blender material and texture series. This series of courses is designed to guide students from being beginners in material application for blender towards mastering the ability of creating any materials the student wants to create…

Blender Materials and Texture Series – Volume one

DescriptionWelcome to volume one of the Blender material and texture series. This series of courses is designed to guide students from being beginners in material application for blender towards mastering the ability of creating any materials the student wants to…

Blender 2.8 The Basics Of Blender

DescriptionWelcome to Blender, the open source 3D modelling suite used by millions of 3D artists, animators and aspiring game designers around the world. And welcome to Blender 2.8 The Basics Of Blender, your first step into the world of blender.…

Learn Blender 3D – Become a 3D artist today

Description WHAT WILL YOU GET WHEN YOU COMPLETE THE COURSE? If you enrol in the ‘Learn Blender 3D  – Become a 3D artist today’ course you will gain the knowledge to enter multiple fields and professions, such as creating models as a…

Learn Blender 3D – The introduction course

Description Interested in getting into 3D modelling but don’t know where to start? don’t worry, because this is the course to get you started on your journey in 3D graphic design. Blender 3D is an open source 3D modelling software…

The Blender Bitesize Course – A complete guide

DescriptionWelcome to the blender bitesize course, the only blender course of its type today. This course is designed to help students learn any tool they want to use on the blender platform such as the ability to merge objects together or…

Learn Blender 3D – The Project course

Description Learn by doing!!! Develop a new skill set today by enrolling in this course and become a 3D artist today!! What is the course about? It’s about learning how to use 3D modelling software. The software platform in this course…