Auteur  Emad Nassar

Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete, Part IV

Description This part of the course is dedicated to Prestressed Concrete design. This is the last part for the entire course. This part of the course includes the following topics: Introduction to Prestressed Concrete Materials of Prestressed Concrete Prestressing Systems…

Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete,Part III

Description This course is made out of 4 parts and It covers the fundamentals/ basics  of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete structures. It includes reinforced concrete design using the working  stress design philosophy as well as the strength design method. Part…

Civil Engineering Drawings Fundamentals

Description This course teaches the very basics of how to draw 2D drawings in Civil Engineering. It goes through choosing the scale of different drawings for Elevations, Side Views and Plans. It shows how to draw Earth Works and Structures…

Basics of Structural Analysis, Part 1 of 3

Description This is the first part of  3 parts of Structural Analysis of Structures. It includes 10 chapters, while the second course includes 10 more chapters and the final course includes the remaining 10 chapters. The full course should provides a…

Historic Buildings Restoration

DescriptionThis course is about Restoration of Historic Buildings.The full course is made up of two parts.  Part I will cover the theory and some examples while part II will provide solved questions, sheet problems and some solved exam questions. This…

Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete, Part I

Description This course is made out of 4 parts and It covers the fundamentals/ basics  of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete structures. It includes reinforced concrete design using the working  stress design philosophy as well as the strength design method. Part…

A quick Introduction to Highway Engineering

DescriptionHighway engineering is an engineering discipline branching from civil engineering that involves the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of roads, bridges, and tunnels to ensure safe and effective transportation of people and goods.. The full course should provides a…

Basics of Structural Analysis, Part 3 of 3

Description This completes the course of the Basics of Structural analysis. It is  a more advanced part of the Structural analysis of structures. It covers different methods to solve statically indeterminate structures. After finishing this course, you will be able…