Auteur  Alex Genadinik

Introduction: Rich & Featured SEO Snippets, HTML Schema

Description Beginner course to an advanced SEO topic: Make your website’s search results come up in Google search with enhanced-looking listings called « rich snippets. » These rich snippets stand out visually among search results and take more space on the search page.…

Press Coverage, Publicity & Public Relations For Branding

Description START GETTING PUBLICITY WITHIN THE FIRST WEEK OF GETTING THIS COURSE – THESE STRATEGIES WORK! Recently updated to include more lectures:  How to write better headlines that increase click-through rates 10 actionable strategies to get press coverage as early as this week Press release example and template Case study of…

Sales Copywriting With ChatGPT & Landing Page Optimization

Description Master your sales copywriting to sell like a pro!  Boost sales by 100-1,000% by seducing potential buyers to desire your products. Get results as early as today, after going through the course! PRACTICAL AND ACTIONABLE COPYWRITING Immediately apply the strategies in…

WordPress Plugin Business (No WordPress Plugin Coding)

Description Start a profitable, home-based WordPress plugin business with the strategies in this course! LATEST UPDATE: Two websites that help you find technical co-founders Re-filmed almost the entire course to improve video quality, audio quality, and presentation style NOTE: This…