Learn tricks that real research pros use to prepare and manage interview guides for UX interviews & Prototype testing

UX research: 10 pro tips for your interview guide

Learn tricks that real research pros use to prepare and manage interview guides for UX interviews & Prototype testing
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



This online course helps you collect data that really matter, be more relaxed when interviewing and facilitate your analysis of the results.

A carefully crafted interview guideline is needed for any kind of interview, UX test or prototype testing and your key to successful research.

A well-prepared interview guideline

Helps you plan your research and structure your thoughts

Facilitates the full alignment with all team members and stakeholders on goals and key areas of the research

Reduces your stress during the interview

Allows you to have enough time for the important topics during the conversation and skip unimportant topics

Makes the analysis of the results easier and more manageable

What you will learn in this course:

Immediate and actionable gamechangers for how you prepare and conduct your interviews

Target your interview guide to reach better research results

Build a natural logic into your guide to facilitate the conversation with your participant

Make sure that you have all important questions covered (and not too many questions in the guide)

Phrase questions in the best way possible

Prepare your guide in a way, that it simplifies your life as a researcher during the actual interview situation

You receive over 25 min. of self-paced Video content, a 17 page white paper and a guideline template to download

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone who has user interviews coming up and doesn’t quite know how to write & handle the interview guideline
Anyone who already has experience with research but wants to further train the research muscle and improve in the actual interview situation
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Learn tricks that real research pros use to prepare and manage interview guides for UX interviews & Prototype testing

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