Solid Edge 2D drafting
Solid Edge 2D drafting is powerful CAD software. This version of Solid Egde allows you to focus on 2D drawing to create technical drawings, plans and industrial drawings. Many features allow you to work efficiently on 2D drawing. It is possible to create projects with sketches, dimensions, colors. It allows you to work with layers and create blocks. Then this work is presented on a template page. It can also be printed. If you need a free tool for making technical drawings of all kinds, then this software will be suitable. Work with layers, create blocks, master tools, add dimensions. Create your projects in 2D, then have an important step in creating a project. Solid Edge 2D drafting supports a wide range of file formats.
Solid Edge 2D drafting version
This is the free version of Solid Edge which focuses on 2D drawing. This version focuses on sketches and the presentation of these sketches on page templates. It is not possible with this version to work on 3D modeling. If you want to focus on CAD design with 2D design, and you don’t need the 3D modeling part, this version will be ideal. This version also allows you to master the full version of Solid Edge, because the entire sketching and drawing part is worked in detail in Solid Edge 2D drafting. If you master Solid Edge 2D drafting, you master the entire sketching and layout part of Solid Edge.
Training course
In this training course you will learn how to use Solid Edge 2D drafting software for CAD. Step by step, you will learn the different features for working on 2D drawing. Getting started with the dashboard and navigation. You will see how to use design tools to work with sketches. You will learn how to use the transform features to be able to edit drawings. You will see how to use layers and create blocks. You will see how to master the pages and adjust the designs on the pages. At the end of the training, training will allow you to apply the features seen in the course.
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
People who want to create 2D drawings
Peope who want free CAD software
People who want to create 2D plans
People who want to introduce drawings
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