Create your own tilesets for video games without being a digital artist - Game Design, Pixel Art, Krita, Digital Drawing

Tilesets Masterclass – Amazing Game Graphics From Scratch

Create your own tilesets for video games without being a digital artist – Game Design, Pixel Art, Krita, Digital Drawing
Notes de 4,7 sur 5
4 Avis
37  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



In this course you will learn how to efficiently draw tilesets that can be used to form larger visual structures in games.

My name is « Duplo », digital artist and level designer, and I will take you through the whole process of making a tileset.

As you follow along the course you’ll learn how to make all kinds of basic tiles and decoration for your video game, like basic ground, trees, rocks, wooden structures, flowers, stones and more.

You will be taught how to come up with ideas for tilesets, how to sketch for them, how to actually make them and you’ll even get a few tips for how to use them creatively.

Tilesets are an extremely simple and efficient way to make good game graphics without too much effort. You just need to know what you’re doing, so I invite you to listen to my advice in this course.

We’ll mainly be using the free image manipulation software « Krita ». It is not necessary for you to have experience with digital art, however having a drawing tablet is definitely a big plus. You can also make tilesets with just a mouse though, it’s just a bit slower.

Creating tilesets is not the easiest thing and requires a lot of trial and error. However with this course you’ll be able to speed up your tilest creation process immensely and get more efficient at it.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
game designer
game artist
developer without design skills
tileset artist
digital artist
graphics design beginner
tileset beginner
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Create your own tilesets for video games without being a digital artist - Game Design, Pixel Art, Krita, Digital Drawing

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