Hello and welcome to this course on character design. My name is Martin, and i’m really excited to show you a really easy and fun method to build vector style characters by kit-bashing them. Kit-bashing involves building a character from the ground up by assembling it with pre-made assets, in this case with a fairly large and flexible asset pack file i’ll be providing.
In this course we are gonna make this very common type of vector characters that you see all the time in illustrations, web, animations and games. And that work really well when working with vector software.
And that’s the thing, because we are working with vector software, we are building these characters entirely with the keyboard and mouse, no need to know how to draw, this course is perfect for beginners who want to start making characters somewhere, but are too intimidated because they think they can’t draw.
There’s no need for expensive software either, i’m gonna teach you how to use the awesome free and open source, vector illustration software, Inkscape, completelly from the ground up, along with the basic methods and techniques you need to assemble and refine your characters using the provided asset pack.
This course will start with an indepth look at the basics of Inkscape, aswell as the basic principles behind vector illustration in general. Then i’ll be going in-depth into the asset pack, explaining how it all works and how to use it. Then we’ll be making 5 characters in real time, explaining step by step, so you can follow along super easily. And we’ll end up with a lesson on basic character design to improve the quality of your designs.
I want you to learn as much as possible from this course, so if you need any help, please don’t hesitate to contact me through the course page, and I’ll respond as quickly as possible.
I’m incredibly excited to get started, and I hope you are too! Let’s dive in and have some fun!.
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone who wants to learn how to make characters using keyboard and mouse
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