In the social sites like facebook, instagram etc. we can see many cool 3D arts with brilliant colourful moods.
I love that scenes, so I wanted to create something similar minimal scene for share to you.
We will work in Cinema 4D and Arnold renderer engine / known as C4DtoA /. Are you beginner or advanced?
Feel free to try this course!
The structure of the modeling course:
– work with primitives and shapes in Cinem 4D
– learn some polygon modeling tips and tricks with using the most important tools.
– learn about the Arnold lights and material basics. Arnold lights are little bit different than the general lights in Cinema 4D.
– learn some basics in Arnold renderer. We can learn about quad light or distant light. How them works and also about the render settings to find the best settings for our scene.
In this course you won’t learn everything in Cinema 4D and Arnold. We will work withthe most important tools tips and technics which are necessary to create a scene like this.
In the end of this course you will able to create similar 3D moods.
This course is just an inspiration to you.
Let’s create your incredible colourful 3D art!
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
For 3D lovers who wants to create interesting 3D mood scenes.
This course is for beginners and advanced students too.
If you are advanced 3D lover, you will find some nice tricks and tips to modeling and rendering.
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