Illustrating Dogs & Animals with Vector Software

Vector Illustration 1: Drawing Dogs & Animals

Illustrating Dogs & Animals with Vector Software
Notes de 4,7 sur 5
7 Avis
59  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Learn how to quickly draw dog portraits in illustrator using only a mouse and pen tool. Learn techniques to break up a portrait into visible color patterns to create depth yet keeping a simplistic style. Use the pen tool to snap, cut, and quickly flush out your portrait.

This class dives right into:

1. How to setup the file to make it easy on you. Live look at dog vector illustrations, how they are built, and getting a sense of style and detail. Also we take a look at other illustrations I have done.

2. Drawing the nose – it’s a focal point!

3. Drawing the eyes to have soul. Last part of video has a speed build to watch for.

4. Drawing an ear with punch techniques and detailed areas using the pathfinder tool.

5. (speed) Drawing the mouth – how much slobber do you really need?

6. (speed) Drawing the fur. I’ve sped up this group of videos so it’s fun and fast to watch but also gives you the tips and tricks during the process.

6. (speed) Drawing the fur… you get it – lot’s of fur.

7. Final – Dropping the illustration into a live working packaging project for real life results!

8. (speed) EXTRA VIDEO: Speed build for fun to watch on a darker colored dog.

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À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Illustrators seeking new techniques for illustrating animals and portraits.
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Illustrating Dogs & Animals with Vector Software

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