This is the only course you will ever need to learn AutoCAD right from zero to hero.

AutoCAD Tutorials For Architects & Interior Designers

This is the only course you will ever need to learn AutoCAD right from zero to hero.
Notes de 4,1 sur 5
9 Avis
54  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



What is this course all about?

This course is a full-length AutoCAD 2018, 19, 20, 21, and 2022 learning package which contains almost all of the topics that every architect, civil engineer, and Interior Designer needs to work with this software. The course is designed for beginners.

A beginner can start learning the software right from scratch by following the course along just from lecture one. With the skills learned in this course, you’ll have a highly-desired skill that can help you get jobs and make money as an AutoCAD Drafter too.

AutoCAD is an industry-standard and most widely used application when it comes to CAD software, so it’s important for you to learn it if you want to be a professional designer.

Course Topics

Interface: Start Tab, Templates, Application Menu, Quick Access Toolbar, InfoCentre, Layout Tabs, Status Bar, Options, Mouse controls, Navigation, Object Selection,

Drawing Tools: Line, Polyline, Circle, Rectangle, Polygon, Ellipse, Hatch, Gradient, Spline, Object Snap

Drawing Methods: Absolute & Relative Coordinates, Orthomode, Grid & Snap, Polar Tracking

Modification Tools: Move, Copy, Stretch, Rotate, Mirror, Scale, Trim, Extend, Fillet, Chamfer, Array, Erase, Explode, Offset, Align, Join,

Annotation: Text, Dimension, Leader, create own styles

Layers: Colour Manager, Linetype Manager, Lineweight Manager, Creation, properties, application, functions

Blocks: Create, Edit, Insert, Design Centre

Palettes: Properties, Blocks, Layers, Command-Line, Design Centre

Layout: Viewports, Page Setups, Printing

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Who want to work like a professional and want to learn the advance topics about AutoCAD then this course is definitely for you.
Everyone who want to learn Advance AutoCAD
Architecture Students
Interior Designers
Civil Engineers
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This is the only course you will ever need to learn AutoCAD right from zero to hero.

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