Vectary software
Vectary is a open source 3D modeling software. It has a completely free version and a paid version. Little known than other 3D modeling software, its capabilities are impressive. Vectary can adapt to both beginners and people who have already worked with 3D modeling software. With its very ergonomic interface, it is possible to quickly create all kinds of 3D models. With Vectary, you will find an object mode and an edit mode, like Blender. It is therefore possible to create very advanced renderings. The possibilities are impressive and you will be able to create everything you need. Objects, 3D logo, 3D text, furniture modeling, characters, everything is possible with Vectary.
Why to use Vectary
– Because it is open source software
– Because it can be for beginners and experts
– Because it has a impressive number of possibilities
– Because we can work on an object mode and an edit mode
– Because it is possible to create different types of renderings
– Because we can add materials
– Because it is possible to make advanced renderings
Training course
In this course you will learn how to use Vectary from scratch. The course is very complete and will allow you to master the software in every detail. This will allow you to start in the 3D workspace, move around, use views and more. In object mode, you will see how to add shapes, and modify them with the different transformations. In edit mode you will see how to work with editing faces, segments or vertices. You will also see how to add materials or import textures. You will also learn how to manage the environment to create various renderings with lights. Numerous training exercises make it possible to apply all the functionalities.
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
People who want to start in 3D modeling
People who want to create simple 3D modeling
People who want to create advanced 3D modeling
People who want to introduce 3D modeling projects
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