Learn to mimic a reference interior photo in MODO

Interior archviz in MODO | vol.1: modeling

Learn to mimic a reference interior photo in MODO
Notes de 4,9 sur 5
16 Avis
109  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



In this course we´ll learn how to make an exact copy of a reference photo, in perspective and scale.

Please feel free to download the finshed 3D scene, available from the first lesson « Welcome to the course »

We will use a lot of quick and easy tricks and methods to get your modeling done, accurate and clean. You´re going to understand how to read the perspective in your reference photo to recreate it in a correct way into your MODO scene, how to solve problems, organizing your scene in a proper way and know how to get good quality assets, legal and free.

We will also learn to optimize our imported assets, scale them to a real world size and make their geometry work into our scene.

This course is the volume 1  of a total of 2 (coming soon, and focused in materials, lightning, rendering and compositing)

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Archviz 3D artists
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Learn to mimic a reference interior photo in MODO

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Redirection avec pop-up et nouvel onglet