Excel for BIM Data Transfer: for BIM Modelers, BIM Coordinators and Engineers- Data Management and Reports

Microsoft Excel in BIM and Construction- From Zero

Excel for BIM Data Transfer: for BIM Modelers, BIM Coordinators and Engineers- Data Management and Reports
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22 Avis
5 098  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Note: This is a project-based Course where all the topics covered have been examined on real-world projects.

Does modeling certain tasks, such as creating Rooms for spaces, take a long time from you?

Have you ever needed to import an Excel file into Revit and use its data?

Were you aware that you can even change the parameter values of objects in the project using Excel?

This Excel training course is designed to efficiently and intelligently transfer data from Excel to BIM-related software such as Revit or Microsoft Word. Participants will first familiarize themselves with Excel and its practical tools, followed by exploring the connection and applications of Excel in BIM Base projects. Emphasis is placed on the importance of using Excel to save time during modeling and editing.

Upon completion of the course, participants will have acquired the skills to efficiently use Excel for increasing speed and transferring data between Excel and other software.


Connecting Excel with Revit

Writing Excel Formula

Creating Rooms by Using Excel

Changing Parameter Values of Revit Objects

Filter Data in Excel

Importing Excel Tables to Revit

Conditional Formatting

Adding Parameters in Navisworks

Please watch this course and feel free to ask me any questions you have while watching it. Additionally, during the learning Excel, ask me questions so that I can guide you.

Enroll now for being professional in BIM and Excel.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
BIM Modelers
Project Managers
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Excel for BIM Data Transfer: for BIM Modelers, BIM Coordinators and Engineers- Data Management and Reports

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