Create designs in Illustrator even if you can't draw - create and monetize your designs today!

Adobe Illustrator for Non-Artists

Create designs in Illustrator even if you can’t draw – create and monetize your designs today!
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Create designs in Illustrator even if you can’t draw. Learn to use Illustrator by making designs using simple shapes – designs you can use and even monetize.

Do you want to learn Illustrator? Are you worried you can’t use Illustrator because you can’t draw? Are you ready to use Illustrator better?



This course is for you. It’s sort of Illustrator for non-illustrators! It’s a fun and a practical way to learn Illustrator even if you can’t draw. Because lots of people use Illustrator and make money with their designs even though they can’t draw to save themselves.

Why did I create this course?

I created this course because I didn’t draw at all when I first learned Illustrator. And when I started, I thought I wouldn’t be much good because I thought Illustrator was for artists and I definitely wasn’t an artist – far from it!

But I learned how to use Illustrator even though I couldn’t draw. And as I learned Illustrator I saw how I could make saleable designs with just wiggly lines, circles and rectangles.

And I want you to do the same thing.

I want you to be able to use Illustrator. I know you can! And I can teach you to make awesome designs with just circles and rectangles.

So you’ll learn to make designs using rectangles and circles! These are so easy to create since Illustrator has tools for these. I’ll show you how you can make designs with simple shapes and no drawing skills – designs just like those that other people sell online. You are going to be amazed at what you can do with just simple shapes.

Now, if you can draw this course will work for you too. You will learn to use Illustrator and you can combine these skills with your drawing skills to create wonderful designs.

How does this course work?

In this course you’ll « learn by doing » and you will make your own designs as you work through the course. The things you will learn to make can be sold as scrapbook papers, desktop backgrounds, patterns, and as PowerPoint slide designs. You can use these designs for book covers (think Amazon Market place designs), for social media images, scrapbook papers and so much more. There are literally hundreds of ways you can make use of the designs you will learn to make in this course. And, think how proud you will be when you say « I made that ».

What will you learn?

When you complete this course, you’ll:

–       be able to create designs in Illustrator – you’ll make HUD rings, gears, ribbon lines, background patterns and more

–       have extended your knowledge of Illustrator tools 

–       have learned new tips and techniques that you can use every day 

–       be able to confidently create designs for a range of commercial uses

Do I hear you say « …but I don’t know how to use Illustrator (and frankly, I’m scared of it) »?

I understand!

I’ve been there.

Illustrator can be really scary to use when you first start out.

So I designed a better way to learn Illustrator – one that makes it a lot less scary and a lot more fun.

You’ll learn to make designs you can use immediately and which look great. So you’ll be making practical and usable designs as you learn Illustrator. There’s no waiting! There’s no hours of learning before you start out. In fact you can start today. Complete the first few lessons and you’ll have your first wonderful shapes made and ready to use!

Do I hear you say « … but I can’t draw »

Awesome! You don’t need to be able to draw, in fact, the worse you draw, the more amazing it will be when you start making designs in Illustrator. Basically, if you can use a keyboard and a mouse you can make great looking designs.

… this course is proof positive that Illustrator is so much more than an artist’s tool. You’ll be amazed at just how much you can achieve.

Are you ready to extend your Illustrator skills?

If you already know the basics of using Illustrator, taking this class will elevate your skills to a new level. You’ll learn to use tools and techniques in a practical situation. Everything is taught from a practical perspective and with a view to doing things in an effective way so you’ll learn techniques that will save you time every day. 

Do I hear you say « Please don’t waste my time »?

If there is one thing I hate it’s wasting time and you probably do too. 

So, I don’t say « um », I don’t fluff about, I don’t make mistakes, I know my stuff and I show you how to do things efficiently and effectively. I speed up the videos where appropriate so you don’t get bored or distracted. 

I’m 100% focused on helping you learn.

In short, I’ll get straight to the point and I’ll maximize what you learn in every class.

Do I hear you say « … but I can’t afford the latest Illustrator version »?

Again, I understand. I teach thousands of students who can’t afford the monthly Creative Cloud payment. If you’re using practically any version of Illustrator you should be able to complete this class.

How will I learn?

This course is made up 100% of video content. You’ll watch my screen as I show you how each design element is made. I’ll explain what I am doing and why so you can learn as you watch. 

You will learn to make shapes like HUD rings, gears and patterns and, once you have all the elements, you will see how to put them together to a final design. But, the good news is that most of these elements can be used by themselves as patterns and other elements so all the objects you will make have multiple uses.

Join me… 

I hope you will join me in this Illustrator class. I look forward to meeting you and I invite you to contact me if you have any questions as you work through the lectures.  



À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone who wants to learn Illustrator in a fun and practical way
Anyone who knows a bit about Illustrator and who wants to advance their knowledge
Anyone who thinks they can’t draw and still wants to learn Illustrator
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Create designs in Illustrator even if you can't draw - create and monetize your designs today!

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