Learn the art of drawing rings

Jewelry Design – How to draw rings

Learn the art of drawing rings
Notes de 4,6 sur 5
31 Avis
169  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



In this course I am going to share with you how I draw rings. We will start first by understanding how to draw circles freehanded, ellipses and cuboids using one point perspective. After that, we will see how to draw different rings on a surface, and then using cuboids to see them in a 3 dimensional view. We will see together how to draw rings with different thicknesses and positions. And Last but not least, we will go through the process of thinking outside of the box create ideas and develop them together, we will work on volumes, positions, proportions and textures.

After this class you will be able to draw rings easily and generate several ideas and designs by your own. I would like you to practice with me all along the class. By this, I mean that you need to do exercises after each lecture.

Draw :

Circles – Ellipses – Cuboids in one point perspective

Rings on a table ( Simple – Concave – Convex – Wavy )

Rings on a table with different thicknesses

Rings in cuboids ( Simple – Concave – Convex – Wavy )

Rings in cuboids with different thicknesses

Rings in cuboids in different positions

And as a final project I would like you to follow the same steps we did in the course and share your results with me in the project section.

Draw multiple possibilities using different rings (base) and stones (upper part)

Choose three combinations (or more) and make a ring out of them while changing :

The volumes

The position

The texture

So if you are interested in this course, you are most welcome and I will be very glad if you join me !

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
All people interested in jewelry design
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Learn the art of drawing rings

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