Everything you need to build Web apps that work in any environment

Create Mobile-Friendly Web Apps With HTML

Everything you need to build Web apps that work in any environment
Notes de 4,2 sur 5
35 Avis
1 029  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Ever wonder what makes a mobile Web experience really positive? This course shows you how to build mobile Web apps that draw users into your content on their smartphones and tablets. 

Don’t worry about high level coding. You won’t need it for this course. You can build excellent, inviting, interactive Web apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript with very little coding at all. The JavaScript we use in this class comes in pre-packaged widgets and there is no coding involved. Instead we use jQuery widgets which are included in jQuery Mobile. 

Here are key skills you’re acquire in this class

HTML5, and especially new elements in HTML5 that enhance mobile design
CSS3 — again with a focus on mobile design
jQuery Mobile. jQuery Mobile is built on jQuery, and allows you to create Web apps that have all the features of native apps which are much more expensive and complicated to create. 

The course covers both technique, and design, so that you can build mobile Web apps that are as appealing as they are functional. It consists of six sessions, each with video lectures, detailed notes, and sample code. 

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course is for people who want to learn to build mobile Web apps using HTML and CSS, along with jQuery Mobile
This is not a class for creating native apps with high-level coding languages that work in only one device
This is not a responsive Web design class, it is a more robust approach to creating an app experience for users
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Everything you need to build Web apps that work in any environment

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