Learn to sketch like professional product designers

Master Marker sketching From Scratch

Learn to sketch like professional product designers
Notes de 3,2 sur 5
43 Avis
6 800  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



This course is offered to students and graduates who study design in general. The course contains a variety of videos that enable you to understand the principles of sketches
Passes through four separate skits starting from the initial drawing steps through the most deceptive tricks and features in the markers
And ending with the work of more than one project, not only on white paper but with colored paper

The course is not specialized in marker only

Rather, it teaches the basics of ink sketching from scratch through a wide range of applications and textures

Where you will learn step-by-step the skills of beginning in drawing in a simple way, then applying to a number of products and the course targeting a simple start for sketches and markers, the differences between them, the function of each performance and when it is used, and the differences between the papers and the presentation and demonstration of different textures.

This course is offered to students and graduates who study design in general. The course contains a variety of videos that enable you to understand the principles of sketches
Passes through four separate skits starting from the initial drawing steps through the most deceptive tricks and features in the markers
And ending with the work of more than one project, not only on white paper but with colored paper

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course is for anyone interested in drawing or sketching
Product designers
Interior Designer
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Learn to sketch like professional product designers

19,99 €
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19,99 €
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