Light, Color, Composition, Depth, Perspective, Mood and Storytelling

Digital Painting Fundamentals in Photoshop

Light, Color, Composition, Depth, Perspective, Mood and Storytelling
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56 Avis
786  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


In this course we will give you the tools and knowledge to start creating awesome paintings. This is more about the principles of art in photoshop than actual painting techniques.


Lesson 1: Intro to Photoshop –

A rundown on the tools and techniques to get started on a painting.

Class 1: Quick Review of Photoshops interface

Class 2: Setting up our Canvas and your Tablet

Class 3: Scanning an image

Class 4: Brush settings and Brush Presets

Lesson 2: Lighting and Color

This Lesson we learn about light and color and how they function so we can create the best piece.

Class 1: Physics of light

Class 2: Light source, shadows and bounce light

Class 3: Color Theory

Lesson 3: Composition

Here we will learn how to make our images impactful, by character placement, Point of View(camera placement) and Lighting.

Class 1: Basic rule of thirds and focal point

Class 2: Learning about foreground, mid ground, and background

Class 3: Leading the eye

Lesson 4: Perspective and Depth In this class we cover illustrating 3D shapes using perspective. We will cover 1 point, 2

point, 3 point and 4 point perspective. We will also discuss how to create a sense of scale.

Class 1: What is perspective?

Class 2: 1 point perspective

Class 3: 2 point perspective

Class 3: The hard stuff 3 point Perspective

Lesson 5: Mood and Storytelling

In this lesson we will learn about how to use lighting and narrative elements to make our paintings tell a story.

Class 1: The message of Images

Class 2: How the environment, characters and weather tell stories

Class 3: Using colors to effect moods
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Intermediate Knowledge in PhotoshopAfficher plusAfficher moins

Light, Color, Composition, Depth, Perspective, Mood and Storytelling

19,99 €
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Redirection double avec deux onglets

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Redirection avec pop-up et nouvel onglet